Civil Rights & Criminal Defense

Criminal Defense

Keeping people out of cages

From simple misdemeanors to complex felonies 

Fighting for individuals overwhelmed by the legal system


When facing a criminal prosecution you want the best resolution possible, as quickly as possible. Mr. Darling aggressively pursues favorable outcomes at all stages of criminal proceedings. On countless occasions, his thorough investigation, forceful negotiation skills and relentless advocacy on behalf of his clients have resulted in a range of favorable results before trial, including dismissals and favorable plea bargains.


A criminal case may be resolved before trial if a strong motion is filed on behalf of a criminal defendant. Committed to an active motions practice, Mr. Darling brings both creativity and experience to exploring potential legal arguments. Mr. Darling's persuasive arguments have led to dismissals, favorable plea bargains and a range of other positive resolutions for clients.  


Most cases do not go to trial. But to optimize results, Mr. Darling prepares every case as if it will go to trial and relishes the opportunity to communicate his client's story to a jury. Having trained with some of the country's best trial lawyers, Mr. Darling has obtained significant trial experience and has achieved stellar results on behalf of his clients. Past results include a "not guilty" in a prosecution for false statements to a government agency, a "not guilty" on a possession with intent to distribute, and a "not guilty" for a client charged with witness tampering.